Most Americans know that illegal immigration hurts Americans and want our immigration laws enforced. However, illegal immigration benefits the Washington political class, so President Obama, like several Presidents before him, doesn’t seriously enforce our immigration laws.
President Obama exacerbated our illegal immigration problem by announcing that he won’t enforce our laws against “young people”. Now young people from around the world believe that President Obama welcomes them to come here illegally.
Previously most illegal aliens were adults who avoided border agents. But President Obama’s announcements have enticed many tens of thousands of children to accept the dangers (e.g., illness, death, rape, enslavement) of traveling hundreds of miles to come here illegally.
Young and unaccompanied children cannot care for themselves and need help upon arrival. Even though the administration anticipated this flood of illegals six months ago, our border patrol and support agencies have been overwhelmed. Tired, weak, and often sick children are crowded into filthy, smelly rooms with inadequate furniture, sanitation, ventilation, and health facilities (so bad that no photos are allowed).
Now illegal aliens are being sent around the country and released into the public. Some illegal aliens bring into our unprepared communities dangerous, highly communicable, and sometimes drug resistant diseases that are unknown in the US or were eradicated decades ago.
President Obama has created this new humanitarian crisis, not to benefit the American people, but to advance his own personal objectives. President Obama’s actions are directly responsible for every death, every rape, every child sold into slavery, every American who becomes sick or a victim of a crime or accident caused by an illegal alien, every family that struggles because illegal aliens take their jobs or lower their wages, and everyone who struggles to pay their high taxes that fund the costs of President Obama’s failure to enforce our immigration laws.
In pursuit of his personal objectives, President Obama willingly sacrifices the health, safety, and wishes of the American people and the safety of the people, including children, that he entices to come here illegally.