Will this NH State Senate Republican Medicaid Expansion end up like Jeanne Shaheen’s SB711?


Obamacare -Year of the SnakeFrom the Union Leader (emphasis mine, reformatted):

One Medicaid managed-care company leaving the state

CONCORD — Meridian Health Plan, one of the three managed-care companies administering the state Medicaid program, will withdraw June 30.  Meridian, based in Detroit, Mich., said it wants to focus on its core businesses in the Midwest.  With the NH Health Protection Program beginning this year, Meridian and the Department of Health and Human Services agreed a summer withdrawal would minimize disruption to the program and newly eligible patients.  “We will work quickly with the company to develop a transition plan that protects Meridian members,” said Health and Human Services Commissioner Nicholas Toumpas. “Meridian’s members and providers can be assured that we will work very closely with Meridian on how best to transition their members to our other two MCOs.”

Meridian and DHHS say they are working on the details of a transition plan as the company continues to provide services until July 31. During the transition period, Meridian members will receive the same benefits and providers will continue to be reimbursed by Meridian.

Jr. Partners of the Democrat Party.  Vote for us, we can run Big Government for less and better.  Sure, the Rogue Republicans in the NH Senate can manage their implementation of Obamacare Medicaid Expansion BETTER because we’ll take all that Federal Obamacare money for the first three years (IF the promise is kept) and get private companies to run it. Indeed?

Federal money, Federal rules, NH rules – and one company looked at that pile of puss and went “See ya!”.  So, all that has to happen is that JUST ONE MORE COMPANY drops out and the NH State Senate Republicans (Chuck Morse, Jeb Bradley, Nancy Stiles, Bob Odell) will have equaled Jeanne Shaheen’s record of decimating (in part) NH’s medical insurance program.  They sure will have done it in far better and superior fashion – what that take, just a couple of months for this one?

Then what, oh Smart Ones?  Oh yeah – what are your plans for taxing NH taxpayers after the first three years?  Funny, you seemed to want to emulate Scott Brown in giving that answer.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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