It looks like NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn’s Unity demand to vote for Scott Brown is being ignored by the troops


Do_As_Youre_ToldThat would not be the Elite troops that all want us to be Gene Chandler type Republicans (“Anyone with an R after their name is a good Republican”), just us “regular” troops.  Rather, this is yet another email that has come across my transom that shows that her message is rather “revolting” (name redacted to protect the revolutionary who believes that Principles matter):

There is no way that I will be willing to vote for Scott Brown. Simply because the man puts a R in front of his name, does not change what he has said and done (and remember the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, statements and actions). I will write in the candidate of my choice if Brown wins the primary (and many people have told me they will do the same, the Republican parties clear fawning over, and essentially pre choosing Scott Brown is disgusting). If Shaheen wins, as horrible as her voting record is, I am not certain that Scott Brown would vote any better/differently. Look at the percentage which Brown voted with Obama.

I agree.  When I was elected to my hamlet’s Budget Committee, I was not shy about speaking out (er, no surprise) and used any and all media to opine on its goings on.  This, as you can imagine, did not go over well and various schemes were tried by various dolts to strip away First Amendment Right to Free Speech.  Here, even though not a Government entity, the NH GOP is attempting to do the same thing in a slightly different manner: you will conform.

‘Fraid not, deary.  I shall not conform and as stated earlier, I will not be voting for Brown either.  I refuse to vote for a Republican that votes more in line with Democrats than with Republicans.  How hard is that to understand, Jennifer Horn?

Unity of Vote vs Unity of Principle.  That is the core issue at stake here.  Once again:

Winning is only a precursor – what is important is what you do AFTERWARDS.

It is what you do with the Power given to you by the Electorate is what matters – what will you accomplish?  Scott Brown has proven that he wishes, by his votes in Congress (his Obamacare vote not withstanding), to “progress forward” Democrat ideals.  As a Principle based Conservatarian, I utterly reject that when voting in a Republican primary – I want someone in office that is OPPOSITE of that.

You know, ask yourself this: what would the reaction of the Republican base be if Jennifer Horn was insisting on Unity of Principle as a standard?  Instead of just demanding all Republicans get behind the self-crowned Scott Brown (with the Establishment Republican wing of the Party holding the crown above his head)?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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