I have always maintained that we at GraniteGrok always put up the complete video such that if we use an abstract from an event, especially where there might be some controversy, people can check the complete context of what was said (or what we say in response). When I went to the last Gilford School Board meeting and Kurt Weber attempted to give “a civics lesson” and then the Board decided to go and codify EXACTLY what I was accusing them of (that of elected officials working hard to insulate themselves from the redress of grievances by those that had elected them, a Board that believes it is above criticism from the voting public). I had put up a series of videos (here, here, here and here) but failed to put up “the back context” – so here they are.
First is an amalgam of the excerpts linked to above:
An edited down version of the longer School Board meeting where only the Board’s spoken words served as the impetus of my comments during the two Public Input sessions (re: “go ahead and flap er gums ’cause we ain’t listening anyways”) during the meeting.
The full meeting video (sliced simply into smaller time slots) after the jump: