Why Everything Has To Be A Result of ‘Global Warming’

by Steve MacDonald

There is no shortage of scandal surrounding the mythology of man-made global warming. Hiding the decline.  Intimidating opponents.  Blocking contrary research.  Lies.  Madison Avenue marketing spin.  Name changes—complete 180s.

Oh, and ignoring the observable truth.

Nothing can contradict the revealed “truths,” everything that happens demonstrates their validity.


Every long-term “solution” sermonized by the prophets of climatism requires the government to legalize additional acts of plunder.  It makes no difference to what end.  The very people who, day and night and night and day, want nothing more than to find new and creative ways to raise your taxes are telling you that this something that cannot possibly be disproven can only be resolved (maybe) by taking more money from you and giving it to them.  They will then administer its use.

If an adherent confessed that a giant invisible badger had come to them in a dream to tell them to tax trillions out of the world economy to mitigate the effect of a gas that comprises 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere, even if there were some actual, physical evidence of the need to do so, sane liberals (if such a creature exists) would insist that this person should not be allowed to own a firearm.

If global warming is so obviously real, why hide the decline in temperature?  Why intimidate and bully scientific opposition?  Why act to prevent the publication of opposing opinions?  Why manipulate the data to make it look like your theories are correct?  Why ignore increased sea ice, longer, colder winters, or the strong evidence of the real drivers of temperate and the historical evidence that proves them?  Why?

In the original movie Die Hard, the antagonists go to great lengths to deceive the world into thinking they are making a statement with a higher purpose.

In the end, they are simple thieves, well-funded, with nothing more remarkable in mind than enriching themselves at the expense of others. They are bank robbers.

That is climatism in a nutshell.

Those who advocate for it are just muggers paid with tax dollars to steal an increasingly more considerable sum of tax dollars in perpetuity to relive a condition whose actual impact, when natural, has always proven beneficial to civilization and the people who comprise it.

There is, of course, one small impact that mankind does make on the climate—heat islands. Man-made heat islands absorb more sun and then radiate that heat. It is a negligible impact, localized, but this is why city temperatures are warmer than in rural areas.

It should come as no surprise to even a less than acute observer of culture and politics that the same people who are crying about man’s detrimental influence over global climate are simultaneously advocating for increasing the size and number of these heat islands.

Democrats want more people in them, more concrete housing, more mass transit, more metal and glass and asphalt, and all the caustic accumulations they secrete into the world. It is part of their ‘cure.’ Pile everyone together, pack them in like sardines, captive monks living Spartan lives in public housing cells, their liberties tonsured, directed by divinely inspired ‘abbots.’

Don’t worry about pollution, crowding, or the likelihood of increased crime. They’ll disarm all the law-abiding citizens to make it easier on the crooks. That is, after all, what climatism is all about.

But you won’t be completely alone. The prophets of climatism will promise to visit when they can find the time.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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