Er, John Feehery, that’s the point – TEA Party is against “business as usual”


On the news that Mississippi voters voted for MS State Senator Chris McDaniel instead the 36 year incumbent US Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS)  in the Republican primary, Republican (mostly) political operative and “strategist” John Feehery tweeted:

Tim Carney at the Washington Examiner  has it right:

The tweet was perfect. In less than 140 characters Feehery had not only summarized Cochran’s reason for existence, he also helped reveal what the GOP’s K Street wing has at stake in its primary battles against Tea Partiers like Mississippi’s Chris McDaniel.

For political operatives, and a secondary member of the Political Ruling Class, it is ONLY about the Benjamins and how and where to keep them going.  It is all about who gets to direct the money to and dictate how it might be spent regardless if it actually does any good at all (other than holding up one’s names – like the late US Senator Robert Byrd whose name is seemingly on every other public building in West Virginia).  But is that really the Proper Role of Government, or just a bastardization of what once was, given how much money flows through DC as Democrats and Republican both have worked to centralize and Federalize the United States? 

Grokster Steve has a good hobby horse that knows where the barn is and has it right to a tee –  while Appropriators like Cochran, like most all politicians, want to do the chest puffery and tell constituents “look at the pork dollars I’ve brought home”, he has the opposite (and correct) outlook!  Instead of “bring the bacon home-ers”, we should be electing, as Steve maintains, that we should be looking for and voting in politicians that are “State Defenders” – those that would keep our money leaving the State in the first place.  Why should we pay tribute simply to get our own money back?

$18 Trillion in debt should mean something and scare the living bejesus out of anyone that has kids and is unselfish.  Feehery, Cochran; these are the guilty ones.  The longer we allow politicians (and the operatives that influence them) to hold to the hollow notion that if “we” don’t get it and spend it” (and ourselves as well) we will merely enslave our grandkids to a much lower standard of living; we will pass down, not a better America, but a worse one.

Think I’m kidding?  Look at all the fuss over student loans, that we much do something to lighten their loads to “help the economy”.  What rubbish – guess where that money is going to come from to relieve them of debt they willingly put upon themselves?  Yeah, our current debt.

Feehery wants the pedal to the metal – he’ll have his before the bus hits the concrete wall with our kids in it.  The TEA Party wants of full stop to save our kids financially – but we’re the selfish ones?

(H/T: Washington Examiner)





  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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