UPDATE: Fox shows Brat beating Cantor, 55% to 44%. This is a LAMBASTING!
Over at the Washington Examiner:
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor appears to have fallen to Tea Party challenger Dave Brat in a shocking upset in Virginia. The Associated Press called the race for Brat shortly after 8 p.m. Eastern time.
Cantor was considered to be one of the leading Establishment folks in the US House, anointed to succeed John Beohner as Speaker if Beohner doesn’t run again. HUGE! I would have to say that the majority blame is Cantor’s being seen as being very supportive of granting amnesty to illegal aliens (e.g., especially a take-off on Obama’s DREAM act).
I have yet to see that casket in which the TEA Party is supposedly reposing in….Guess the base has sent a HUGE message to the Republicans in the House – playing twinkletoes on this issue will get your feet stomped.
Here in NH, I predict a HUGE turnaround in US Senator Kelly Ayotte’s stance on amnesty for illegal aliens. Starting in about 5 minutes or so.