Blog Headline of the Day – Irony lost on the Obama Administration


Courtesy of The Corner:

Obama declare ‘Broader ISIS Foothold’ against U.S. Interests, ISIS Gains Broader Foothold

ISISDetermined Weakness: I am now convinced that each and every foreign policy decision that Obama makes has one and only one purpose – to make the US less influential on the world stage.  Name one thing that President “Red Line – Aw, who cares” that has actually, concretely, either stabilized or enhanced our standing in the world.  When even the Polish leader says that the US is irrelevant, has the goal been reached?  On what global stage, in what hotspot, concerning what issue, does Obama actually have a decision stick?  How has he been able to move the needle to heighten the prestige, honor, power, or influence of the US?

Me neither. So here you have a rag tag bunch of religious fanatics that are looking to establish yet another instance of that which the Left is always accusing folks like me (an Evangelical Christian): a real Theocracy.  Already setting up Shariah courts in the areas they now control and as they establish their Caliphate, you can be sure there will be more.  And harsher than that already in Iran.  They simply could care less what he thinks or says, knowing that lately, he’s been a nothingburger on taking action. 

So what is it that the Left is so enamored of these REAL h8ters, people who actually do what they say they hate here in the US?  Why is Obama so lackadaisical about an Islamist Theocracy taking over in Iraq?

  • It is anti-Bush, so what’s so bad about that?
  • Iraq was the “bad” war – see, I told you so (without ever mentioning future ramifications of a do-nothing policy)
  • Or was this the intent in the first place for……shhhhhhh……religious reason? (I let that dangle).
  • Given his history of “seeking out the Marxist professors”, is this the logical end to that?

Heck, I’d easily give up him sticking to Biblical principles (if he even remembers any of them from being 20 years in Rev. Jeremiah “G*****n America” Wright’s church) and give more than lip service to the US Constitution.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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