I bet that thin-skinned Obama doesn’t like the ridicule he’s now getting


saigon evacWe’ve seen this before – but that’s the problem with Progressives – no sense of history and repercussions in trying to repeat it with success.  And it would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.  You know, with Ramadi, Fallujah, Mosul, and Tikrit falling to Al Qaeda style affiliates (hey, they’re ALL jihadi Islamists, Obama!), this is a disaster.  The air base, too,  that the Eldest was deployed to with the Second Marine Air during the Iraq War, Al Asad, is in the process of being lost (and even though he was not a door kicker like his brother in the 101st, he still lost friends there).

We spent a lot of our treasure, both financial and in human terms – and Obama’s mind that all he has to royally decree “It is over” and all would bow to him (at least, those to whom he wasn’t bowing to instead).  And now ISIL has established a caliphate in Syria and Iraq that is larger than any other Islamist organization has ever captured.  Speaking of captured, they are also the richest, having walked through the door of the Iraq Central bank and walked back out with $425 million.

I just keep wondering when it would sink in for him that it takes TWO sides to end a war:   One to win and one to quit.  Problem is, he announced his “win” way too soon – the other side rubbed their hands because other than the infrequent drone strike, he wasn’t doing all that much to them.

War is over in Iraq Obama has always had it easy in politics – it must be fun to be onto the next higher job before proving oneself in the current one.  People adored him at everything as he got his social promotion.  Now, what is President Nobel-Laureate-too-soon going to do now to achieve “Peace” for which he received the accolades.

Face it, he’s had a pass his entire political life and now the accounting has begun.  If this is really the best he can do (in economics, justice (the real kind), environmental issues, immigration, military matters, financial, healthcare, cultural,  – you name it, he and his Administration have screwed it up) , Jimmy Carter has nothing to worry about any more.  Let’s just call him President Midas – everything you touch turns into a rusty muffler.  This is what happens when ideology demands a completely top-down command-and-control government (again, he hasn’t learned from history).

However, if this really IS the intent, to totally implement Determined Weakness 360 / 3D, he’s a freaking genius.

But as long as we have the time to recover (which is, I admit, one of those unknown unknowns), it will be a beautiful thing because Conservatives ought to be able to govern for a long, long time.

If we all survive the GOP actually DO what it says it believes.

(H/T: Powerline)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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