As Iraq unravels and emperor Obama reminds congress he’s got the authority to act already, lets recall the cloying hypocrisy of Democrat rhetoric–as we take a left turn down memory hole lane. You probably remember Democrats opposing action in Iraq, in 2004, 2006 and 2008. It was the bad war, after all.
If Obama decides to go back, and everyone in congress seems to agree that the 2002 authorization still gives Mr. Obama authority to do so, what happens to the Democrat parties Iraq was the illegal, bad, expensive, unnecessary war rhetoric, the protests, blood for oil, and all that? My guess is it goes the way of this….
Might be worth asking New Hampshire Democrats who played the anti-war rhetoric cards in recent elections, along with the out of state funded progressive non profits that aided and abetted that rhetoric, how they would advise Mr. Obama on Iraq today. You know. For the memory hole record.