And I thought the answer would have been obvious to the genius class!


WMURHe’s got questions, I’ve got answers!  I would have thought that this would have been self-evident:

“Why haven’t conservatives put Benghazi to the side for a moment and gone full bore into reported 40 deaths at VA hospitals that could immently take out a member of Obama’s cabinet?”

A number of reasons, James:

  • First off, the clamor and justified outrage is bi-partisan in nature – BOTH Republicans and Democrats in DC are either actually mad or need to appear to be such at the treatment of our veterans. If anyone needs to be stood up for, it is the veterans and public opinion means much. So why would Republicans not allow Democrats carry some of that political water instead of hoisting it all by themselves?  Also, it seems to be mushrooming in size and scope – once simply limited to the Phoenix VA, the tactic of the VA Managers to make themselves look good has spread system wide.  This will continue (and rightfully so) Congressional forays into what has happened – this story has legs all by itself. 
  • But the political downside is exactly what you say it is and THAT is the tradeoff – the Republicans smell bad gas emanating from the White House and it has nothing to do with global warming.  The VA scandal will rightfully take Shinseki out of that office for incompetence but he’s only a Cabinet member in an Administration that really holds those Cabinet Members in rather low regard (relative to other administrations).  So why waste time in the lower fruit when the more valuable ones higher up in the White House Senior Staff are looking more and more at risk – with a more direct line to Obama?  Why settle for a Cabinet when you can get the Prez?

That old aphorism of “keep your eye on the prize” says to stick on the Benghazi scandal.  Yes James, both scandals are showing a complete lack of care and protection of those that are perceived to not be part of the Obama coalition – remember, this WH is ALL politics ALL the time and no other lens is ever used.  In that lens, Benghazi looms as an existential threat – the veterans killed by the deliberate decisions of the VA management don’t matter as much (yet), IMHO.

“Leave no one behind” is everything to those that wear the uniform of the US as part of the “duty, courage, honor” code – but nothing to the President that posses the biggest pit ever to be under a bus and, for his actions, seeming has no honor at all.  That’s right, no honor at all – an offshoot of a life that is only concerned with political wins and losses.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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