“You can’t even criticize us any more and now you will have NO CONTROL“
From the Gilford SAU 73 website is this “news” release from the Gilford School Board (note: it is a Google doc so you need a Google account to view it there – screenscraped for posting) and there is a part of it I find most curious in its wording:
Did you catch the DISTURBING part? You know, I haven’t even commented on either videos that Steve has put up of either Bill Baer or his daughter, but this line is indicative of that commentary-to-happen as it totally (having to put up with these self-serving, arrogant, NH School Board butt-kissers for years now) encapsulates their attitude and disdain towards:
- Anyone that challenges their authority
- Anyone that challenges “their” school staff, policies, and lack of achievement (given how much taxpayer $$$ is shoveled into it’s maw
- Parents that give off a whiff of “not going along to get along”
Here it is (emphasis mine):
“The district will take immediate action to revise these policies to include notification that requires parents to accept controversial material rather than opt out.”
Can you say DOUBLE DOWN? Not only did they make it all but impossible for Billy Bear to seek redress from his elected officials with their “crap, we have to restrict this meeting!!!” procedure, but now they are going to FORMALLY put into policy:
HEY, PARENTS, GUESS WHAT!?!?!?! You can’t even criticize us any more and now you will have NO CONTROL over what we determine to be in the best interest of OUR child’s education.”
That’s right – if you, as Parents, can no longer opt your child out of something, are your kids really YOUR kids anymore? Without explicitly saying it, they are echoing words from the last century: “We have your children”.