What DOES Scott Brown have to hide – or is it Fear?

by Skip

I understand that a lot of folks are going to be showing up – and why the stricture when all of his rivals are MORE than happy to talk with the media.  That would also include us, GraniteGrok (emphasis mine, reformatted):

FRIDAY, MAY 16: BROWN AND GONH. It should be quite a meeting on Tuesday evening when Republican U.S. Senate candidate Scott Brown talks to the membership of one of the largest pro-Second Amendment groups in the state, the Gun Owners of New Hampshire.

The meeting of the GONH board of directors is scheduled for Tuesday, May 20, at 7 p.m. at the Concord Holiday Inn — and Brown should have some ‘splainin’ to do...GONH vice president Ralph DeMicco, owner of Riley’s Gun Shop in Hooksett, said of Brown, “He’s in a tenuous situation. He has a questionable voting record.”. …Brown and DeMicco spoke at the shop when Brown recently visited.  “I have told him that you’re not my first choice, but you’re obviously the party’s first choice,”  DeMicco said. He suggested that Brown “be clear on the terminology and if you sinned, you must go to confession and say, ‘Look, I did vote this way but I was mistaken.”  DeMicco noted that politicians almost never admit they made a mistake, but, “That’s what he needs to do.” He said Brown should own up to his past support for a “modern sport rifle” (so-called assault weapons) ban and say he now realizes “there is no significant difference between this gun and that gun.”

“…you’re obviously the party’s first choice” – ouch.  Or, at least “ouch” from the grassroots that hate the notion that they are being told, once again, that the choice has been made for them already.  After all, we “have to be united and we have to be together!” – get in line.

Although he expects the group to be polite, DeMicco said the questions will be direct.  He likened it to a Q-and-A before the British Parliament, adding, “I’ll have my wig on.” He said Brown’s campaign asked that no media be present, which, DeMicco said, is “kind of unusual.”

Absolutely it is unusual.  Is it because he wants no “trails behind” him to be looked into?  Or super-controlling his message?  Folks here in NH are used to seeing the cameras and the notepads, so it can’t be that Scott is trying to ‘save us from them’, is it?  Or is it that he doesn’t want embarrassing questions asked of any attendees afterwards?

At some point, somebody is going to start sneaking in some kind of recording device be it audio or video.  Then what – pat downs?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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