Rich people railing against… people?

by Skip

Yup.  ‘Grok friend John Hawkins of RightWingNews has a column up at Townhall giving a few examples of some Liberals  (the real rich people) that have made it into the 1%, and then try to pull up the drawbridge behind them:

You don’t think it’s true? You don’t think the liberals are engaged in a huge scam designed to pull the wool over the eyes of gullible socialists and low information voters who don’t know any better? Well then, maybe you’ll change your mind after seeing all these quotes from filthy rich liberals railing against “the rich.”

2) “This book is about how Washington is rigged to work for those who can hire armies of lobbyists and lawyers and make sure that everything that they want gets done in Washington. The game is rigged to work for those who already have money and power.” — Elizabeth Warren. Net Worth: 14.5 million.

3) “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen.  The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.” — Barack Obama. Net Worth: 11.8 million 

5) “What more do they want? They have a number of homes, the bigger the yacht, da da da da da, the taller the mast, the whole thing. They have museum quality art. They want immortality. (laughter) They want so much money that their names are all, for prestige they could never get any other way, they could buy with endless money. Because what else could you possibly want?” — Nancy Pelosi. Net worth: 26.43 million

6) “How in the world do you, Mitt Romney, justify making more in one day than the median American family makes in a year while paying the effective tax rate of the guy who has to scan your shoes in the airport?” — Jon Stewart. Net worth: 80 million.

7) “It’s time to make the rich pay. Tax them! How much? Not enough! How much? Still not enough! They are thieves. They are gangsters. They are kleptomaniacs. They have tried to take our democracy and turn it into an hypocrisy.” — Michael Moore. Net Worth: 50 Million.

Yes, the “missing ones” here are at the link.  I keep wondering – how long can the above keep their cognitive dissonance going?  Or is it just the delusion that they are holy and all others are not?  Or just those that are on “the other side of the philosophical divide”?

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