Only the names change? Liberals keep forgetting their history (or want us to ignore ours) as confiscation HAS happened before in this country (their protestations of “we don’t want to take your guns away” to the contrary). We see it happening all over the world – governments oppressing their populations and restricting what we would consider to be their Natural Rights. There is NO guarantee that it can never happen here – after all, men (and women) here are no different, fundamentally, than those anywhere else in the world.
There are, and always will be, those that wish to dominate and control others. Think I’m wrong? Go here, read what some of the regressives have said about our form of government and what they think of the rest of us. It starts there. The Crown was no different – and both seem to have the notion that it is their God given right to do so.
You see, Progressives still believe in Divine Right and thus, their “right” to assault our “Rights”. Until they completely give that notion up, I (and a lot of my friends) will trust Colt, Smith & Wesson (and a lot of their friends). You see, “assault” is a state of mind; a rifle is only a tool.
(H/T: Liberal Logic 101)