NH GOP Annual Meeting – Ruminations: MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough


OK, back to finish some unfinished business (ruminations on Kelly’s speech here; read it to see what I’m trying to accomplish here).  Yeah, we all go to MSNBC all the time just to watch “Morning Joe” with Joe Scarborough – we Conservatives only feel good after our morning tongue lashings from Progressives and others that think we are evil.  And I do hate to break it to you, Joe, but the topic of immigration here in NH during the 2010 election cycle WAS a big deal (thus the yell of “Immigration” when she asked the question, Joe – be careful of what you ask for).  And it STILL is a big deal today as it seems that the national level GOP, along with that bastion of free markets called the US Chamber of Commerce, have joined forces with the Democrats to shaft the lower and middle American classes (the Democrats for more voters, the Chamber for low wage workers, and heaven only knows what the GOP thinks what it’s present is under the Democrat Christmas tree).

“We can’t afford any more moral victories”.  Moral victories.  While he’s all bent out of shape over 2012, he fails to realize that 2010 was given to the GOP on a silver platter by those that WERE making moral statements (e.g., remember all those screams about taxing our grandkids’ futures away, Joe?).  Translation: moral victories are built on Consistent principles.  Moral victories ARE what won the State House in 2010 – joining with the Democrats to make those that brung you to the dance feel unwanted changed that dance to a Democrat tune.  Moral victories are what gave the GOP an overwhelming advantage in Governorships and a humongeous advantage in seats at the state level legislatures.  Moral victories are also what brought the GOP the majority in the US House.

Funny, he didn’t mention those.  Or chasing those folks out (“you have made them not to care”).

I just don’t get it – he spent more than a bit of time saying that he told his constituents “This is what I believe it”, then, now, and in the future.  But then he switched to the “second is first loser” schtick and General Patton from WW II.  Problem is, the analogy doesn’t quite fit – in war, you do whatever you can to the enemy in breaking things and killing people – literally.  Do that in politics and you generally getting arrested.  Sure, politics IS hardball and tough – but in general, you fight over Principles of governance.  While military terms are used, marketing is more akin to the actual game – after all, you aren’t going to kill your voters if they don’t vote for you.

Now, all that said, he did have one important point:

What we have learned over this last decade, and we got to say it here, alright? We have to confront the truth.  As we go campaign in the future, we found out that Big Government Republicanism is no better than Big Government Liberalism.  We have to define a clear difference between Democrats and Republicans

And then the NH State Senate Republicans go and pass Big Government Obamacare Medicaid Expansion and then followed along with SB120 – the “NH State Senate Republican Incumbency and Racketeering Act” that makes it MUCH MUCH harder for the regular Joe (you know, the ones without TV shows) to utilize his First Amendment Right to Free Speech in criticizing those already in political power.

Yeah, those help in “defining that stark difference”, eh?  Wouldn’t be nice if there was a difference in both word and deed?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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