Yeah, this will certainly inspire the base:
Anyone who calls themselves Conservative or Republican, who doesn't vote for the nominee of the party in the general election is neither.
— Senator John Cornyn (@JohnCornyn) May 21, 2014
That’s from US Senator John Cornyn – a demand. I’d suggest that you click on over. I really do wish that Party officials do so and read the responses; pretty much all of them should start to given the GOP great pause and great worry. For you readers, this will be nothing new as we’ve been saying it for quite some time: EARN our vote, show us that you deserve it – stop taking it for granted. Stop thinking “well, where else will they go” (er, see after the jump, one more time). Making a demand for it, or stating over and over that “ANY Republican is better than any Democrat” is no longer making it. The Internet has made it clear that there are too many Republicans that are shams – and many of us are no longer willing to spend one of the most precious coins of American Citizenship, our priceless vote, on frauds.
Who is a Republican fraud? Someone who votes equally or more often with Democrats than with Republicans. Someone who continues the incremental slide to the Left, to Socialism, instead of the original status of maximum Individual Freedom and Limited Government. Someone who looks at the Constitution and the Platform – and just sniffs and votes away from it. Like these “Republicans” (the lowest of the House Republican Alliance scores):
According to the data, Brown [Scott Brown, former US Senator from MA, trying to be next one from NH -Skip] , who took office in February 2010, sided with a Democratic majority on 22 percent of votes in his first year, ranking him seventh among all senators. The next year, he voted with Democrats 46 percent of the time, trailing only Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. In 2012, he rose to the top of the list, siding with a Democratic majority close to 62 percent of the time, according to the annual report, which was printed in the January 21, 2013 issue of CQ Weekly.
The Senator tries to conflate two things that are not true – one cannot conflate a Conservative with being a Republican; in many cases, the former are leaving the later. They refuse to be categorized as a “Republican Republican for the sake of the Party”. Most of us, upon hearing what Cornyn said, grimace – and it pushes more people away.
No, Senator, a Conservative is NOT going to vote for people who do not Conservatively and WHY would a Republican vote for a Republican candidate that votes more with Democrats?? They see that the Party will not exert any kind of disciplined, why would these voters then vote for a Brand that allows itself to be flawed? I’m not overly awed by the argument that it would put committee chairmanships, Speakers, and Leaders in Republican hands.
Right – my answer is “yeah, the NH State Senate Republicans instituted Obamacare’s Expanded Medicaid – how’s that not a Democrat goal?” Add this – “the NH State Senate Republicans just more steps to institute the Democrat goal of limiting Political Speech with SB120 – how is voiding the expressed value of the First Amendment a Republican virtue”?
They aren’t. I keep linking:
…You want to shut us up? Here’s a third hint: Follow Laura Ingraham’s philosophical advice via the title of her book “Shut up and sing“. As a former project manager, I’m tired of the excuses, the deflections, and the outright lies. We’re tired of the unkept promises and the flaccid rhetoric. Show us results. Period. Stand on stated Principles, message directly from those Principles, craft legislation using those Principles, and reject all that cannot be found in those Principles. Vote knowing that other Republicans will support that and that those who are not Rs will see the Consistency, that you are trying to establish a Trust with them, and you may well like the results.
Follow that up with a fourth hint: If the NH GOP acted according to its own stated beliefs, half of our raison d’etre as bloggers would no longer exist. Instead, Republicans continues to provide a target rich environment of their own making; we just simply comment on what is out there in plain sight. Bright Flashlights work wonders when shown into the dark corners of Big Governments – ditto for the more unseamly sections in the Party’s backrooms.
… Yet, some in the Party can’t under stand, grok it, and then act upon it. I tried to explain this to a female Republican of some note a bit ago:
Me: there are Republicans out there they are no longer voting nor donating to the Party. They’ve quit.
She: Well, why ARE they doing that?? Don’t they realize that this will allow Democrats to be elected?
Me: They no longer care
She: WHY don’t they care? Don’t they understand what this means for implemented policy, they are allowing Democrats to win??
Me: They realize that. They don’t care anymore.
She: They HAVE to care – Democrats will win if they just stay home. Don’t they realize that?
Me: You’re not listening to me, and haven’t been for a while. You have made them not care. Why SHOULD they care when Republicans do things at cross-purposes to what they say they stand for? Why should they support candidates that, in the end, don’t support their beliefs? When they don’t see their beliefs being advanced?
She: But Democrats will win?!?!?!
Me: Now you’re making me not care much. Whether you like it or not, whether you want to admit it or not (and I think you are at the point where you don’t want to SEE what they are saying), these people exist. They are dropping out, and you can’t seem face reality even when I put it in your face.
The long and short of it, you Republicans “of note”, the Establishment Republicans (or as I now say “Republican Republicans for the sake of the Party”), aren’t listening. They make it sound like they do, but they aren’t. How to tell? The voting data says the truth – these people have left. Stayed home. Sat on their hands. Kept their wallets shut. You may say what you want, but what the evidence says contradicts you. They are telling YOU their answer to your question of “where else will you go” – and now you aren’t listening to that answer either. Too bad.
You’ve told lots of folks: do it our way or go away. So, they’ve done what you’ve told them and have gone away. And now you don’t believe it. I’m telling you where they are going, and they are all telling you where to go, too.
They. Don’t. Care.
They may not vote for the opposition. But it is clear, more and more, they will not vote for the Republican either. What the Party either can’t see or won’t recognize what the American car industry went through years ago – they lost out to the imports because their product offerings paled in comparison. Translated to the now and political, the offerings, even when compared to the absolute opposite, are not offering sufficient value.
So what will the Party do?
(H/T: Hot Air)