How Appropriate – Democrat who Lets MA Residents Vote From Her Nashua Home Submits Norelli Medicaid Expansion End-Around

medicade- Looks refreshing, but always comes back to haunt you later
Medic-ade – Budget POISON!

Fraud supporting Nashua Democrat Cindy Rosenwald has submitted the Medicaid expansion amendment to avoid having to holding public hearings or any actual legislative discussion about a multi-billion dollar entitlement expansion in New Hampshire.

Nashua Rep Cindy Rosenwald.  You remember her?  She’s the Democrat who let the cat out of the bag regarding that $802 million dollar hole the Democrats left in the budget with one time money.  After months of every Democrat denying it, she tells us the truth.

The Democratic majority knew all along it (the 802 Million dollar hole) would not continue, and that budget cuts would have to be made during the following biennium so that there would not be a deficit.

Rosenwald and the NH Dems went nuts when Republicans did exactly what Rosenwald claims Democrats knew they would have to do.

Cindy Rosenwald is also known for loaning out the address of her single family home to Democrats registered in Massachusetts (see here and here) who vote there when they are not voting in New Hampshire from her home.

And now we can add to her resume trying to sneak an entitlement expansion through the House that will inevitably crowd out funding for other priorities, raise taxes, and guarantee inferior service and declining care outcomes.

All hail the tyranny of NH Democrats!  Voter fraud.  Budget fraud.  And now entitlement fraud.  A hat trick of failure.

Closing thought: Don’t be surprised if this is a head-fake to give the Republican Senate an out when they reject this and “come up with” what will probably be an already agreed to expansion plan  instead.  (They are all smitten with the bribe, you see.)

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