Democrat Geoff Wetrosky That Lying Liar (And Repeat Vote Stealer)

If you thnk lrtting proplr from out of state Vote in NH if OK youre Gonna have a bad timeWhen the police followed Geoff Wetrosky back to then Democrat Party Chair Kathy Sullivan’s home to discover he had a trunk full of Republican campaign signs in his trunk, he promised that if they didn’t arrest him he would head back to South Dakota or wherever it was he actually belonged.

He lied.  He voted form Sullivan’s home the next day, then left.

As it turns out, he did not stay gone.  As we revealed this past Saturday on GrokTALK!  Kathy Sullivan’s vote-stealing buddy returned in 2008 to vote in Manchester again, but this time he did it from the same apartment at (wait for it) 1200 Elm Street in Manchester, as Michelle Bensingor, who was working for the State party in 2008.

So a close ‘vote stealing roomate’ of a former Democrat state party chair and ranking member of state party leadership–Kathy Sullivan–not only came back to steal a vote, he did it from Martha’s ‘other’ motel at 1200 Elm, in Manchester, from the same apartment as a current employee of the state Democrat party.

Connections, connections, to not just one election but several, over multiple years (while legislatively trying to legalizing what they had been doing all along).  Sounds like a planned Democrat strategy to steal vote, doesn’t it?

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