GrokTALK! January 25th, 2014 With Senator Bob Smith, Chairman Ed Naile, and Special Guest Ian Underwood

GrokTALK! New Hampshire's Conservative Podcast

Individual segments added!

This week we talk about Harrell Kirstein, the Free State Project, Vote Fraud, Jury Nullification, keeping the bacon here so you don’t need legislators to bring it home, Geoff Wetrosky, what words mean, illegal immigrants, absentee ballots, why laws might not matter (and a lot more), and we do that with Senator Bob Smith, Chairman Ed Naile,  New Hampshire’s Ian Underwood, along with Skip, Mike, and Steve.
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Individual 30 minute segments are posted on the jump.

We start with the contradiction of Democrats who insist that students who pay out of state tuition be allowed to vote as if they live in state, and why non-residents-non-students (or students matriculating in other states) can vote absentee from the homes of elected Democrats in NH, but college students in the state paying out of state tuition rates can’t vote absentee back home?

Then there’s the plan to give illegal alien non-resident “non-residents,” resident-taxpayer supported in-state tuition rates as well.  And, when can we expect those 20,000 free staters to make their ‘presence’ known on the registration rolls and at the polls?  How about in 2014?
Segment One With Mike, Skip and Steve

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Senator Bob Smith has entered the Republican Primary to challenge Democrat Jeanne Shaheen.  See what Bob has to say about the race, the party, DC, Senator Shaheen, why he’s the guy, and what he thinks is important for New Hampshire.

Segment Two With Senator Bob Smith

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Last Week I hinted at a special non-resident voter, registered from the same apartment as Michelle Bensignor in 2008.  Learn who he is in this segment as well as why Caitlin Legacki “voting” in New Hampshire when she admits she was not here is such a big deal.  We also talk about millionaires “slumming” in apartments at1200 Elm in Manchester so New Hampshire Democrats can have their votes, Harrell “third world missionary” Kirstein, and other electoral observations.

Segment Three With Chairman Ed Naile

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If you only have time to listen to one segment, this is it.  Ian Underwood joins us to take the distractions out of the debate (almost any debate, actually); words mean something and if you are going to keep changing the meanings of words there is no reason to even write laws and no reason why anyone should pay attention to these laws.  If legislators be free to ignore or redefine the words of Constitutions meant to constrain them, why should we take the words they use to constrain us any more seriously?  We also address the contradiction of the state managing the right to self-defense, talk about the right of jury nullification, issues with indefinite detention, your right to remain silent, and more.

Segment Four With Ian Underwood

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