Duck Dynasty: Much Ado About Nothing

“An once of hypocrisy is worth a pound of ambition.”  —Michael Korda

Phil_Robertson2Duck Dynasty Patriarch Phil Robertson “initiated” a firestorm with his recent comments featured in a GQ article. Well, not really….Here’s why. The largest purveyors of so-called tolerance speech is the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transsexual Community and the pop culture community. Millions upon Millions of dollars have been spent by the Hollywood elite to tell America, “If you do not ascribe to the LGBT lifestyle, you are not tolerant…you are ignorant…you are homophobic…you are bigoted.” That is the script, the template, the message and the mantra. the verbiage might change, the nuances made less obvious, but the message remains the same.

On the other side of the equation, we have the Evangelical Christian Community who ascribe to the views so stated by Phil Robertson. Unvarnished by the liberal filters of anti-christian writers, the Bible tells us to love the sinner and hate the sin. Evangelical Christians have been around a lot longer than the LGBT community as an politically identifiable group.

This is the ongoing culture war. It has never subsided, it has never gone away. It is the same as it ever was yesterday and today. What has happened is that it got another spike in the public forum.  Indeed, this is a war. Christians versus the Gay Community. This is a culture war to divide friends, families and loved ones. The reason is the Gay Community culture. With an all or nothing attitude and a lack of willingness to afford the same level of tolerance to Christian brothers, sisters, friends, aunts, uncles and cousins, that they demand of their relatives who live a faith-based life, The GLBT position will only continue to divide our society.

We see the intolerance of the Gay Community played out day after day. Phil Robertson, being roundly condemned, castigated and calling for his exile, all for his views is evidence of the Gay Community Scorched Earth Policy.

The gay community is upset by Phil Robertson’s views. We all get that. Likewise, there are many of us folks out here who are not gay,  who have long been upset about having the Gay Agenda shoved down our throats, forced upon us and, have undergone political persecution for not fully embracing, accepting or otherwise patting the gay community on its proverbial backs and heads. The one thing both the evangelical Christians and the gay community have in common is rank persecution. Less so for the Gay community because it has considerably more monied bullies to cow people into silence.

Family gatherings ain’t what they used to be. For example, if you have a liberal progressive opinion it is okay to voice that. If you have a differing conservative opinion you had better keep quiet. I experienced this this weekend at my sisters house. She drinks the Kool-Aid of the left and bought into the extended mantra that not only is Phil Robertson a bigot, but the whole bootstrapped notion that he is also a, “racist.” I kept my mouth shut because it was her house.

This is much ado about nothing because this is not a new battle. Its a battle that has raged on for years, occasionally bubbling up here and there.

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