The Sun Rises, Water is Wet, and NH’s Medicaid Commission Signs Off on Expansion

Everyone loves a good show but the decision of New Hampshire’s Kangaroo Court medicaid Expansion Commission, tasked with determining if the state should take the Federal bait and make Medicaid bigger, was always a foregone conclusion.

State Rep. Cindy Rosenwald, D-Nashua, credited the nine-person panel with staying focused on the task at hand.

“Even though we haven’t always agreed on specifics, we all share a strong commitment to New Hampshire,” Rosenwald said.

A strong commitment to turning New Hampshire into New Massachusetts.  So did Cindy vote by herself or did she have Janice Rottenberg or Paolo Cozzi vote as well?

It’s always nice to know that people of integrity are standing up for what they believe in at your expense.  The Medicaid expansion is something Democrats want because it comes with a promise of Federal money to implement and the promise of higher taxes when the Federal support abates or collapses.  Federal oversight will mirror their own bureaucratic designs without the electoral complication.  They get more government without the nasty side-effect of having to claim responsibility when it fails to deliver.  They are just appointed observers of our gradual demise.

In related news small (r) republican Nancy Stiles got worked over long and hard until she voted with the 5 Democrats on the draft proposal.  I can’t imagine it was all that much work.   Some tents fold easier than others.  Stiles is as establishment as they come and embraces the gift that keeps on governing presuming she has a seat at the table.

Governor Hassan, an ardent leftist who has long worked to socialize medicine could not be happier at the prospect of more government control

“I fully agree with the commission’s recommendation that New Hampshire should move forward with expansion prior to January 1 – after which we will begin to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars per day that we can never recover,” Hassan said in a statement.

Right.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars per day not yet earned to be taxed.  Just wave a rhetorical wand and poof, there it is.

In a moral and ethical society those tasked with ensuring the long term integrity of promises made in the names of others would have some integrity themselves.  But New Hampshire Democrats have demonstrated in the past a strong desire to mortgage the future if they can make government bigger today.  Just ask Cindy Rosenwald, Terie Norelli, or Governor Hassan.  They all had their hands on the spending from 2007-2010.

During Democrat control the left piled up taxes and fees, crammed down costs, and added regulatory burdens.  They ignored their own rhetoric in favor of building a bigger bureaucracy.  They left state agencies on tenterhooks as budget woes they created brought waves of potential lay-offs to counteract their irresponsible governance.  And before they were ushered out of the majority we had an $800 million dollar structural hole, dug by the lie or was that the promise of one-time money, and excessive spending.  Cindy Rosenwald admitted as much.  But not to worry.  Cindy, like her co-committee members, share a strong commitment to New Hampshire.

No you don’t.

The Federal government has motored up to your street corner with the “drug” of choice and asked you to lean inside the car.  “Take it, it’s free, share it with your friends.  There is more where that came from.”  Until there isn’t.

And when you have to go to New Hampshire taxpayers to make up the inevitable shortfall, you’ll insist that the dependence you created cannot now be abandoned.   You will never admit your complicity, you’ll just make emotional appeals–‘It wouldn’t be right.’   There will be no intervention, no detox.  State Government never has to dry out.  The economy will have to absorb the cost…in wages, jobs, benefits, opportunity.  It is of little concern, as long as the government machine survives.

Quality, access, affordability, choice.  None of these things really matter to the left.  Their commitment is to government before the people.  They want to make New Hampshire in the image of the other New England States.  They want large bureaucracies weighed down by giant public unions who keep them in office, funded by taxes and fees and a regulatory state that drives the for of government toward more corruptible professional politicians and away from citizen legislators who feel some desire to answer to their constituents.

Other people’s quality of life, their freedom, local control, are just pawns you are willing to sacrifice for more government control.

The commission was stacked with yes-men (mostly yes-women actually); people who would work hard to arrive at their per-determined outcome with a dissenter or two for show.


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