GrokTALK! for 7/20/2013 – the STAND YOUR GROUND MORALLY! edition

by Skip

grok pay pal donate button300 x 300Phrase of the Show (by Father Christian Tudor:  STAND YOUR GROUND MORALLY!

Another good show, albeit a little bit different “feel” to it, yesterday during the recording of our weekly podcast of GrokTALK! – perhaps just bit more serious  than normal.  Groksters Susan, Mike, and Skip were there and we were blessed to have Father Christian Tudor of the All Saints Anglican Church of Concord with us along with Jeff Chidester (Conservative activist, entrepreneur,MC Extraordinaire,  host of New Hampshire  Perspectives,  and General John Stark’s biggest fan).

And it was fun to see what we ended up talking about!  Groksters Susan, Mike, and Skip,  with guest Father Christian Tudor, started off the show and Jeff Chidester joined in during Segment 2.

Segment 1:  Concord Market days (destroyed by weather), intros, behavior and morality, Judeo Christian heritage, freedom of religion vs freedom of expression, internal (morality) vs external governance (laws), Supremes upholding 1st Amendment, social gospel vs Biblical Gospel

Segment 2:  Q&As: Who kills more – Smith & Wesson or Ben & Jerry’s?  State Judge won’t dishonor Obama with Detroit bankruptcy, Conservative vs Progressive (“the blue social model”) views on Government model

Segment 3: Obama to veto what the US House passed but for which he already Executive Ordered (delaying of Obamacare employer mandate)?
STAND YOUR GROUND MORALLY! as the Democrat Progressives seek to undermine the philosophy of what made this country great.  Welfare: I am now entitled to that which used to be viewed as charity!  Who’ll by a dront hunting license?

Segment 4:  Donuts!  With all the recent “Obamacare “setbacks”, why is he still succeeding with Obamacare?  How?  Self-reliance vs dependency?  What is the Democratic Plantation?  Does the MSM “report” on society, or prides itself on “shaping” or “making it better”?


Segment 1                                                 Segment 2

Segment 3                                                Segment 4

Audio clips / downloads will be posted soon!

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