The Whores of UNH

Steve MacDonald

University of NewHampshire Seal

UNH held a conference on women in the sex industry in which it used donations and student organization funds to bring in prostitutes from across the nation.  No one knew that was where the money came from until AFP-NH filed a right to know request with the university asking how the travel and expenses of the prostitutes were paid for. They wanted to make sure that taxpayer dollars were not used for this purpose.

The same university that has engaged repeatedly in politicking itself, and the promotion of the left wing agenda, not to mention paying professors charged with sex crimes to do nothing while on probation, got a bit snippy in its reply.

“The costs associated with the event Greg Moore questioned in a Right to Know request and a press release to media outlets came to $2,246.40. Of that, $1,085.40 came out of an endowment fund (dollars raised through private fundraising) and the remaining $1,161 came out of a few student organizations’ budgets (students were the main organizers of this event). No state appropriation dollars were used for this event.

“State dollars were wasted as a result of university employees being diverted from their work to respond to a politically motivated right to know request.”

“’s unfortunate that the former chief of staff to former Speaker of the House Bill O’Brien and the AFP are going to such lengths to paint UNH in a negative light in an attempt to manipulate the debate over the cost of high education.”

Were state dollars wasted in the use of campus facilities, security, maintenance, administration, or other aspects of the university or were these also paid for by private fundraising and student organizations?  Why would anyone ask?  I don’ t know, UNH wasted money on this.

And where does UNH get off pretending that it does not have apolitical agenda, a decidedly partisan one, or that it is not guilty of wasting other taxpayer dollars on things like cow fart research, or retaining professors guilty of sexual offenses on full pay to do nothing while on probation for years at time (here and here.)

UNH is nothing more than an educational Robber Barron simultaneously petitioning for in-state status for its students for things that could direct more taxpayer dollars into its coffers (like letting them vote in-state as if they are residents- for things and officials who decide if UNH gets taxpayer funding and how much) while insisting that these same students simultaneously pay significantly  higher rates for out of state tuition.  Crooks!

So please, take your pathetic holier-than-thou “university employees being diverted” Bullshite argument and shove it up your cow fart research.  UNH should be privately funded and can be if just chooses too.  We know it can raise the money.  It admitted to handling its previous budget cut by being both more efficient (God, no!) while raising over 22 million in private donations to help compensate.    That is almost double what they are hoping they’ll get from taxpayers (via Democrat Governor Hassan) who are having a hard time dealing with a manifold of economic issues for which they cannot just pick up the phone and call their alumni or wealthy benefactors to offset.

And if UNH were private they would be relieved of the burden of having to answer to anyone who might question whose money they are spending and how they are spending it; relieved of the burden of having to answer to the unenlightened-knuckle-dragging taxpayers or any group that attempts to act in their best interest.    UNH could have all the sex workers in they wanted; maybe even combine that with the oral sex research–probably with out any fear of being charged with prostitution or solicitation in the process.   Just a few million more on…research…and we’ll have arrived at a conclusion that the average UNH student fresh off the bus from voting for Obama could have provided free for the asking; or maybe they could have consulted a few of these gals?  Advancing “education” never felt so right.

This is the university and university culture that is bitching about having to explain it’s actions to people whom it feels are obligated to support it with their hard earned dollars.  People they would harangue for not seeing the need to finance an organization that believes one of its higher purposes is to teach women about the sex industry.

I don’t care what UNH the privately funded university wants to teach.  But as long as it intends to go hat in hand to the state for money to assist it in its broader mission, then it had best get used to answering questions from the taxpayers and taxpayer groups.

At this point you are welcome to entertain the notion that my blog title (“The Whores of UNH”) may not have been referring the prostitutes brought in for the “higher purpose” of holding a university conference on women in the sex industry.

I leave it to you to decide.

Added: AFP-NH’s response to UNH


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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