NH GOP Executive Board Meeting – Monday, April 15th – Part II


Well, it seem that what I wrote here about last night’s NH GOP E-board meeting pretty much happened as expected – and worse.  I’ve had a number of little birdies flying overhead and dropping little packets all day long – a seed here, another one here.  Might as well read it here, ’cause I guess those seeds may run out soon…but I digress.

Long meeting – good thing I ended up with a customer as I hate wasting time twiddling thumbs – and the meeting didn’t go short.  Those that are “merely” State Committee Members had to cool their heels for quite some time as the E-Board declared that they were out of the executive privileged session.  I guess the E-Board wasn’t too Trusting of the Members;  there was a policeman in the lobby to prevent them from entering the elevator to take them up to the conference room.  Oh, and because this was in Executive Privilege – you can’t ask for any meeting minutes (can’t have the proles knowing the goings on of their own Party, eh?).

But a chickadee said that one ordinary State Member was allowed in – that would be the President of the NH Sheriffs Association of the NH, Scott Hilliard, in uniform.

Sidenote: at the Merrimack County Repub meeting tonite, 4/18, Scott stood up and said that he was not in uniform, so I have crossed that out.  No mention was made of any other details in this paragraph.

The tweeting guessed his role was to confirm that Jennifer has done nothing for which she could be arrested.  Hmmm, given what has been written, what is in the past is not the problem.  I do wonder, however, how he would know?  Did he take a complete deposition from her – interview her?  Or follow her since the time that the activity that racked up the liens happen? But does that even mean anything, as past is not always prologue, after all.

A robin Redbreast flew in, all aflutter, with the question I had already asked – the impropriety of having a County Chair and, therefore, a voting member of the E-Board, Bryan Gould (who is also a Director of the firm where they had this policeman policing the lobby to insure the non-use of the elevator by there mere mortals) also being the General Counsel (after all, the By Laws say that an E-Board Member can’t be compensated for his / her service).  “Highly inappropriate” was a phrase I’ve heard a number of time today.  Several people asked about the cost to the Party for the engagement of Counsel.  Now add in the two lawyers there were for Jennifer, not the Party,

Another flapping of wings said that two lawyers (2?  really?) did a “defense” of NH GOP Jennifer Horn to show that she posed no harm to the Party (I guess they meant that financially).  Big portfolio for a “witness” (understand that there were other materials) – but it did not leave the room. It seems they were successful as she didn’t step down or end up “pursuing other opportunities”.  On the other hand, Coos County Chair Eric Catman came in for some heavy reprimanding – dunno if it was in absentia or in person.  Don’t know, and I don’t care – I’m still glad he spoke out and was willing to say what a whole lot of people have been thinking.  The rest of this  may confirm it.

A swooper sang that Kelly Ayotte’s Chief of Staff, Andy Leach, was present – seated as the Royal Flapper (half step back and to the side) and stuck to her like glue during the meeting.  RNC Committeeman Duprey, arrived late, spoke for 35 minutes straight, and then left.  One absence that will be missed is Jacob Avery who has formerly flown the coop – I always liked talking with him – good man and I wish him good fortune.

In addition to the “Lawyers’ report” was the Treasurer’s report.  Now, I have no idea what the real numbers are, but the new Exec Dir Matt Slater had better start praying that the signature (no longer is Robert Scott’s necessary) on the front of the check has a longer expiration date than Obama’s campaign promises.  Intimations are that this balance sheet is about to go into Park – just as it has started up some new expenses.  Yes, Jacob is gone, but I’m betting that Matt is more expensive, and…we now are getting a new website, too!  $17K is all it will cost – and a $100 / maint (present one is about 5X that according to the crow squawk).  A campaign promise was to seriously upgrade the technology used by the NH GOP.  Hate to say it, but a website for that amount of money ain’t new technology (er, I know a good webmistress that could do a pretty mean website for less than $17K, if you’re interested).

But only enough jingle in the coffers, perhaps, for a month? I thought one of the campaign pledges was to also to raise LOTS of money?  Maybe?  Again, although I’ve heard a lot about the Grassroots Giver program, am not sure if those roots have ended up stuck in mud season? And with the big shindig with Rand Paul coming up, is the big upfront cost going to be taken care of?  They’re hoping for about 475 people at $75 each.  I don’t know what the breakdown on discounts, comps, and combos, but this is an expensive gig to put on (am betting $15-20k for a range) – can we say that the end spread will only be about 1 month’s operating funds when it is all said and done – if it all goes well?  Payroll, other operating expenses, upfront costs – is there a reason the push is on to get the upfront ticket payments as soon as possible?  There was a committee formed for executing the details – and then Jennifer made all the major decisions on pricing, the menu, the venue – all of the advanced “stuff”.    And the parrot said “and handed to back to them…AWK!” (it tried to say “arbitrary and inexplicable” but ended up gyrating in a cloud of feathers, and then flew off). Who is set up for the fall?

And then the turkey strutted in: rumor is she’s working with Frank Guinta and is going to MA to talk with Big Donors.  Hmm, rumors were last election cycle that a swap was done for a Chair that was more persuadable for Romney.  Are we seeing something more with this for….a Scott Brown?  Conjecture only – but hey, this is what we do – ponder and think about!

I was waiting for an eagle to swoop in to take the bad stuff away….but a hawk came in first.  Cocked his head to one side, and then to the other and screeched what the consensus of the meeting was:

 The bottom line is that all any of us care about is electing Republicans because New Hampshire is better under Republicans.

I can’t think of a worse reason to help.

Are they really that stupid – or just want to make very clear to the grassroots that their worst fears of the Establishment motives are true?  Have they not figured that for half their Party, this is insufficient?  That, given most are already of the mindset  of “there has GOT to be a better reason or why bother?“, this will not be seen as “encouraging news”.  Winning to the grassroots is only a precursor – but that seems to be the only thing to the Establishment.  What happens AFTER that is the most important to the grassroots – to the Establishment, it seems to be “meh?”

And continuing in this vein may well give rise to a third party of disaffected Rs for whom this phrase “because New Hampshire is better under Republicans ” smacks of unintelligible self-assured incompetency from supposed leaders.  Really?  Have they forgotten why the Dems were handed the keys to the State by the electorate back in 2006?  That was the reason back then, too, right?  Oh, the Establishment thinks “they’ll never leave – where else can they go, the Libertarian Party??  If they go off on their own, they’ll lose.”   Hmm, most of the folks who might be straining at the bit already know that.  They also know that the percentages of folks that “make the move” doesn’t have to be all that large for the Establishment Republicans to lose as well.  The national Repubs are already disaffecting conservative grassrooters with the yakking about ditching issues that are important to THEM (and not to those that just wanna win

All of us are working together to strengthen the state GOP and the county committees.

You know, I really do believe that themselves…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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