New Hampshire Young Republicans – Joe Barton for Chair


Voting is on April 20.  Now, I can’t vote (smirk – ageism!) but I have known Joe for a number of years.  There is one thing that I admire about Joe that makes him the perfect anti-politician: you ask him a question and you will know exactly where he stands.  No shading, no equivocation, no avoidance – you want honesty, you want directness, you want someone that will look you straight in the eye – Joe is your person.  That’s probably why there are people within the Republican community that are scared to see him running for the Chair of the New Hampshire Young Republicans.

Adherence to the Party Platform? Affirmative.  Willing to stand for those principles?  Absolutely.  Hard worker to get done what needs be?  Sure thing.  Brash?  Yes.  Outspoken?  Certainly.  Feathers flying in the air?  Yup.   And at times, I do believe that those last few things are features, not bugs (heck, I wish a few more folks would drop the sugarcoating and “get to brass tacks” – we’d all be better off).  I have believed for quite some time that the NH GOP needs a shakeup before it gets shaken.  I can’t speak for the NHYR (er, I am WELL beyond being “young”) state of being other than, from what I am told, David Hurst did a commendable job of heading up that organization (and they have let the ‘Grok attend a few of their events – thanks you!).

I do know that the Chair of the NHYR has a seat at the table of the NH GOP E-Board – and the Establishment Republicans are scared s******* that the seat would be filled by Joe.  I have heard that the NH GOP may be supporting his opponent (who ever that might be, now that rumors are that Adam Schroadter has dropped out

So, if you are in the organization and are planning to vote for a new Chair, I am asking that you vote for Joe Barton!

-Skip (co-founder, GraniteGrok)

Note: this is a personal endorsement for Joe Barton.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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