Sustainable Development…The Movie

by Tom

Sustainable Development for Dummies

Last week, I posted a link to a pamphlet titled “Understanding Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 For The People and their Public Officials“.

Today, I found a valuable companion video to it (see below) titled “False Choices”.

This video provides a comprehensive overview and historical summary of the intrusive United Nations program, created by globalists and aggressively implemented here at home (Granite State Futures, Sustainable Communities Initiative), with the ultimate purpose of draining the wealth and influence from our great nation and distributing it to the rest of the planet.

The United States was founded on the principle of private capital and property – the bedrock of our individual liberties – which runs counter to the beliefs of those who wish to bring the American system down for their own benefit.

If successful, the Sustainable Development effort will be responsible for the greatest heist of all human history.  Make no mistake – it is well underway and gaining steam.

After you watch this brief 15 minute video, much of the inexplicable path our country has taken since the early 1970’s will become painfully obvious.

I encourage you to pass this video, and the document I referred to above, to your friends, family, and State Representatives.  I even encourage you to host a showing at your home for friends and neighbors.

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