Remember, Remember the…6th of November…

Remember Remember the 6th of November
The day we sent Obama Packing
get to the polls
and check off the rolls
for liberty and freedom are lacking.

Remember Remember the 6th of November
Remember Remember the 6th of November

OK. It’s a bit rough.  I suspect you can all do better and by all means please do. (Yes, I have absconded Guy Fawkes day+1 and the quote from the film ‘V” as a bit of a motivator.)

We, of course, are not planning to blow up parliament, or anything else.  We are trying to  blast our way past the Democrat propaganda and media bias from the current crop of  entrenched power brokers.  We need to ignore their skewed polling; do not let them grind you down to disinterest. The Democrats are not winning.  The Democrats are losing.

Obama is running as if he is not the incumbent and has no responsibility for anything that has happened under his watch.  But it is all his.  He owns all of it.  And if he wins re-election, ObamaCare will not be a debate, it will a fixture of your life and that of every American after you.  He must not win.

So take every arrow, get back up, and continue your march to the polls on November 6th.  The real revolution is the peaceful transition of power by the ballot box.  The same one we exercise every Election day.  And whether our opponents will let it remain peaceful or not, we must do our duty and vote.

Remember, Remember, the 6th of November…

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