What $6.6 Million In Campaign Donations Buys You In Obama-Land

Jeffy Katzenberg bundles 6.6 Million for Campaign Obama and, coincidentally, manages to get a meeting with the Communist Chinese Vice President, after which Katzenberg is allowed to build a Studio in China.  But it gets better.  Apparently Obama is not the only socialist whose pockets he is lining.  The SEC is investigating whether Katzenberg may have bribed communist officials to ease the process of getting his new DreamWorks studio built in Shanghai.

Bribing is not uncommon in Communist China. but isn’t this off-shoring?  Is there a shortage of US officials Katzenberg could bribe aside from Obama?  And why is he building a huge studio in China?  California too expensive?

I guess Obama Land’s promise of even higher corporate taxes, oppressive regulation, more and more expensive energy costs, and the looming regulatory weight of Obama Care are more than even a liberal panty-waist like Katzenberg can stand.

Would such a panty-waist hypocrite as this go off-shore for the cheap labor?  Can’t support the lefts mandated living wage of the American Middle class worker if you are in China paying pennies on the dollar.

$6.6 Million.  Probably save that much the first year just by avoiding US unions.

I guess that’s how the big liberals roll in Obama Land.  The Koch brothers are evil but Obama donors get federal bail outs (Solyndra, GM, Stimulus)  and sweetheart deals so they can export jobs and commerce to foreign lands without a whimper from the media or the same crowd of liberals from whom the beneficiaries hail.



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