NH Unions Using Religious Bigotry to Affect Merrimack School Board Elections? - Granite Grok

NH Unions Using Religious Bigotry to Affect Merrimack School Board Elections?

(Derp- Fixed the title.)

I was recently informed (my source has asked to remain anonymous for good reason) that a teacher from a nearby town was repulsed at the sight of a Joe Kearns for School Board sign on a Merrimack residents lawn.   When asked “why that reaction” she proceeded to explain that her union had told her that Merrimack School Board candidate Joe Kearns was a member of the Christian Coalition.   If the union told her, it must be true, right?  Smart lady like that would have looked that up.

But if she had looked it up she would know that Joe is not a member of the Christian Coalition, and so would her union.  Neither of them did, or neither of them cares to know the truth.  But they did want someone to know the lie.

Why is the Teachers union (the NEA-NH) telling members from outside the town what amounts to an outright lie?  Given that candidate Gary Krupp has been asked on several occasions, by people in town, if he would support teaching creationism if elected, to which he gave an excellent no answer, can we assume that the union is pushing a similar set of lies with its membership inside Merrimack?  How far has this false”suspicion” been spread?  What is the union so afraid of that it would “create” a false narrative about the Christian Coalition, and then implement a secret smear campaign to scare voters away from these two candidates?

And is it safe to assume there are no other “Christians” running for the School Board?  It might be a bit awkward to discover that they are all Christians, and that the union hacks had only lied about the two least likley to toe their line?

Has the union has put on it’s anti-religious equivalent of a white hood and tried to burn a digital cross in Merrimack’s front yard?   Are they simply declaring that anyone who is remotely attached to Christianity but who objects to any part of their political agenda could expect to be slandered because of their faith?  Why isn’t this religious bigotry?  How does this not classify as prejudice?

Makes you wonder who thinks they run things around here the taxpayers or the unions?
