There is Free Press and then there is Free Speech. And then there is The Concord Monitor. The Concord Monitor would like you to believe that it is a defender of both Free Press and Free Speech. But if that were true, they would not be deleting comments that include links to posts at GraniteGrok. Articles that implicate State employees (known and unknown) in the abuse of their taxpayer funded privileges. Abuses that occurred on the Concord Monitor’s own web site.
Now, to be fair, it is not technically the Concord Monitors job to police the misbehavior of others who otherwise abide by the rules of their electronic presence; though given most of their editorial positions one would think them obsessed with the idea of meddling, and you would be right to be curious about why it fails to apply here? You’d also be right to wonder why the Monitor staff would both ignore stories about a potential theft of services by state employees themsleves and also delete comments linking to a New Media investigation of same?
You’d think they were hiding something.
It certainly would not be their bias.
So what’s the excuse for removing comments with links to legitimate reporting that brings more depth to their pages, that they didn’t even have to pay for? We didn’t put a pay or subscription wall up at Granite Grok. So what’s the problem? Where are these so-called defenders of Free Speech and Free Press when it is inconvenient to their obvious bias?