The problem with UNH is…it’s filled with progressives, and they love to waste your money. (Just look at the NH House from 2007-2010.)
If UNH isn’t shoveling federal dollars on cow fart research to Obama supporter and NH Democrat Party check writer Gary Herschberg, then it is busy paying professors like Ed “Flash” Larkin to do nothing for a few years on the taxpayer dime. (Original comments on that here and here.)
So why should we be surprised to see the University that cried poor expending labor and resources to maintain a Facebook page titled “UNH Presidents Commission on the Status of Women?” Can you guess the political slant of the content this page is “sharing” with the world?
I’m sure it’s hard to imagine but it’s….a little bit to the left.
This is not a new story. An editorial in the Union leader dated March 1st provided a window into this likely abuse, an article that actually brought the page down the day after. But it has since re-emerged. I guess someone decided that since taxpayers are funding an entire university full of left wing slant, what harm could adding a Facebook page do? But I think they forgot about something.
This page promotes the Democrat Parties propaganda-driven war on women rhetoric with content from the Maddow Blog, links on contraceptive “rights,” left wing noise from NARAL, and more than a few articles from the Granite States Democrat Propaganda daily–the Concord Monitor.
But what about the UNH poster boy for the status of women, Ed Larkin? Did they forgot about him?
That’s right, the same University that kept a professor who exposed himself to a woman and her daughter in a Market Basket Parking lot, a man who will spend the better part of four years in total milking the taxpayer cash cow on full salary, (while he is prohibited from meeting with students), also has a Facebook page on which left wing propaganda promotes the Republican War on Women.
And these are the smart people?
The University should not be openly promoting the progressive agenda. That is more than enough to justify pulling the page. But I’d be willing to let them keep it up on one condition. They have to replace the current cover image they have with a picture of UNH Professor Ed Larkin in a Union T-Shirt (The union made sure he kept his job), with links to public documents regarding his offense, how much we are paying him while he is on probation, and an explanation of why he was prohibited from meeting with students for three years.
That would be a much more accurate portrayal of the UNH Presidents Commission on the Status of Women.
Otherwise, I think you should take the page down.
Now is good.