Why Has The Granite State Fair Tax Coalition Changed Its Name?

by Steve MacDonald

GSFTC has a new name- Granite State Prioroites- I mean Pick PocketsExposing the Granite State Fair Tax Coalition (GSFTC) as just another left wing front group for Christian Socialism and the Democrat party tax and spend agenda was easy. (Here, here, here, here, here, maybe herehere as well, and don’t forget here.)

But will it be any easier to unmask their newest facade?  That’s right, the GSFTC is dead but not gone.  It has been replaced by the exact same organization, all the same Liberal/Progressive players, but with a shiny new name.  GSFTC is now Granite State Priorities (GSP).

How do I summarize this transition in a nut shell?  Same old whore, new dress.

The NH Fair Tax may be dead but the mission is the same, the left wing partner organizations are the same, they just changed the name, the color scheme, and added some flash features to the web site.  Fortunately for us the stupidity remains.  Check out the text from their “about” page.

Granite State Priorities is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that began in 2006 in the name Granite State Fair Tax Coalition as a public policy project of the NH Council of Churches, out of concern that New Hampshire’s inadequate and inequitable revenue system is eroding the foundations of our state and quality of life for more and more people.

Granite State Priorities believes that the foundation of a thriving economy and shared prosperity is a sound public sector.

We bring concerned citizens together to achieve common-sense revenue reforms necessary to sustain our state and communities and make taxes affordable for all.

Follow me here.

New Hampshire has an inadequate and inequitable revenue system.  We need to work together to achieve common sense revenue reforms to sustain our state and communities and make taxes affordable for all.

Do these idiots realize that even throughout the Worst Recession in History™ New Hampshire has consistently had the lowest poverty rate, highest standard of living, one of the highest average wages, lowest crime rates, lowest unemployment rates, and lowest overall tax burdens in the entire nation? Who isn’t bright enough to know why?  You guessed it.  Granite State Priorities.

So how does that press release go?

‘We at Granite State Pick-Pockets (GSP) ask you to ignore the fact that New Hampshire is, overall, one of the safest, and best places to live on the planet.  Despite having more opportunity to succeed here than almost anywhere, we’d like to scrap the ‘inequitable’ revenue system that has consistently produced these opportunities, and go for something like what Massachusetts, New York, and California have; a system with a larger  public sector, funneling more of your tax dollars into Democrat campaign coffers–something we like to call the shared prosperity of a sound public sector.

We need to help put people into office who will make New Hampshire Great the way California is Great.  Great big deficit, Great big taxes, Great Big state Government, and a Great migration of business, jobs and people, as far away from here as possible.   In this way, more of us will learn to become dependent on the state, dependent on our thriving public sector unions, and on groups like ours.  And as more people become unemployed, overtaxed victims of crime and poverty, we promise that we will sit on our high horses up in Concord and not just tell you how to live, we will also tell you how we’re going to fix “it,”whatever “it” is, by simply raising your taxes.

We didn’t even know we were the victims of success.  Thank God the Greedy Socialist Progressives (GSP) are here to tell us about it.  So Granite State Priorities “priorities” must include every mistake every other state made to make all of them less desirable than New Hampshire.  Their priority is a broad based tax, same as it always was.  Same old whore new dress.

And before we forget.  Stop lying.  You are not non-partisan.

So that’s round one.  At the end of the day, Greedy Socialist Progressives is the same  UCC/NHCC/NHCA Democrat party front group it was as  the GSFTC.  Which brings us to the final question.  If the people and the priorities and the member organizations are all the same, why did they have to change the name?



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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