“I know firsthand about welfare and welfare dependency because of my own life, living seven years in and out,” says Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE).
Parker, also a syndicated columnist, explains what she thinks are the actual steps out of poverty and why our government should have no role in welfare in America.
Started as part of the Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s, the War on Poverty has been anything but effective, according to Parker. “This whole notion that we should even have a ‘war on poverty’ dismisses the fact that individuals have a role in their own lives,” she says.
I hate to keep harping on that last fact, and Liberals hate it as it takes away the memes of:
- they are a protected class
- OMG – what do you MEAN they aren’t victims of society
- there is no such thing as self-responsibility – only good luck which these victims never get
- ordinary citizens cannot help them – only Government can.
Frankly, I don’t think that Progressives don’t coddle the poor, they condescend to them as if they are little children that can never succeed (hmmm, an offshoot of Warrenism?)