From the BlogCon11 vs Occupy Denver post:
And they can’t take it. They’ve never had to defend their views against people who think they’re stupid. They simply don’t know how. The Occupy movement is performance art, not political science. It is an information operation, not an authentic, organic expression of beliefs.
They have not earned respect and they don’t deserve it. Don’t “engage” them, don’t “reason” with them, don’t try to “understand” their views.
Mock them. Treat them like the buffoons they are. And win.
From the Smug Scott Pelley post:
What Newt is doing — finally — is showing the Right how to fight back, by turning the Left’s own weapons (in this case, of sneering disdain) back on them. Principles, not programs: those three little words, not 57-point manifestos, ought to be our mantra heading into the crucial 2012 election, and the candidate who can best make that case will defeat Barack Obama.
I REALLY hope you people out there are seeing the pattern! There are those Conservatives (and certainly moderate Republicans) that counsel "Don’t make waves – be quiet, work silently".
Yeah, and get $15 Trillion in debt and the gradual erosion of our individual Liberties. As Glen Beck has pointed out, that Overton Window has slid further to the Left with almost every major bill passed the last 50 years. Yeah, that good old "compromise" has really worked out just so dandily, eh? Face it, our current Conservative political culture of appeasement doesn’t work.
Ask yourself – do we still have the Freedom and Liberty that our Founders gave their all for? Have we followed the right path of Franklin’s admonishment of "If you can keep it?". Ask yourself – what are you actively doing? Right now? Tomorrow? Later on this week, month, this year? Not just the easy stuff like simply voting and walking away from the ballot box – but what are you doing! Are you slinking away from opportunities to talk about or defend our legacy won by the blood of our Patriots? They gave up their lives – and you’re scared that some Liberals will make fun of you or not like you anymore.
There is but one word that describes a Conservative that runs – "wuss". Or worse, a "moderate". We fight in the arena of ideas; you should too. We are not afraid to lose – but we are afraid of not taking it to enemy.