Doodlings from Occupy NH – 4 – A working definition of Crony Capitalismn argument for “negative liberties”

by Skip

One of the things that Conservatives MUST be concerned with is ALWAYS the vocabulary – what a word, like Freedom, to means to a Conservative is not the same as it does to a Liberal.  Once again, from the Occupy NH forum (hey, what better way to advocate for Conservatism (with small "L" libertarianism leanings!) than to go where it is not welcome at all!).


I had written:

I ask because it seems that that while making Govt smaller should take of Crony Capitalism

And yes, I was asked to define MY terminology:

I think you are going to have to clearly define what you mean by "crony capitalism".

So, I did:

I think in a similar manner as you have – the unholy alliance of corporations and government in which:

  • The corporations Greedily engage Government officials (elected or bureaucratic) to create a competitive advantage through laws or regulations / statutes.
  • Those Government officials do what is asked and complete the rent-seeking cycle
  • In turn, Government officials Greedily also do the reverse (influence the marketplace by putting their own regulations in place to enhance agency or Governmental power over the marketplace)

Note: Unions, non-profits, and other advocacy groups can be substituted for corporations without changing the underlying premise. In any combination, the free market becomes more distorted and becomes less equal due to that distortion.

To often, I see the Left as only attacking Crony Capitalism from the aspect of the evil top 1% and corporations that, in their minds, wreak nothing but havoc (for the sake of "their greed") upon the 99% (the rest of us).  I see that as artificially limiting for strictly political gamesmanship.  My take away is that the Occupy Wall Street movement, thus far, is anti-capitalist in nature and will only name corporations as the enemy.

Having watched politics for a few years now, it is clear that the other entities, be they individuals, advocacy groups (of any sort or issue) or unions, can be just as greedy and willing to seek advantage from government (and sometimes more) than corporations.  Thus, I always make sure that the definition on the discussion table always is the one that is the most "inclusive".

Boy, they hate it when I use one of their words against them…. 


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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