Last Saturday was the latest Republican Presidential debate – sponsored by CBS with Scott Pelley being the main moderator. Like a lot of Conservatives, my takeaway was that most of the candidates are getting better (overall). The effort put forth by Scott Pelley, however, said "POST THIS" when I saw it over at Big Journalism:
Frankly he personified the disdain the Conservatives see from them all wrapped up in this shot of Scott Pelley when he thought he had skewered Newt on the killing of Al-Awaki (an American born Muslim who President Obama ordered killed via drone attack for his treasonous actions against America):
Smug? Condescending? Your pick!
(H/T: The Corner)
Video of Newt shredding Scott Pelley, pointing out the fundamental difference between law enforcement (a civil matter) and warfare ("kill them, destroy it"), after the jump
Update: This from Michael Walsh over at
The Corner:
That’s because they’ve internalized the Left’s Manichean world view — not simply that Right=wrong, but that there’s no real discussion to have regarding the other side’s basic philosophy, which they regard as outmoded and/or malignant. As I mentioned last night on the “Night Owl” panel to our splendid group of NR cruisers here in the Caribbean, when I started in journalism back in 1972 there was a feeling among many of my coevals that being a reporter was what you did if you couldn’t become a Southern Poverty Law Center lawyer — that your job wasn’t just to get the facts, but to frame the argument in favor of “social justice.” And these are the guys ’n dolls who run major news organizations today.
What Newt is doing — finally — is showing the Right how to fight back, by turning the Left’s own weapons (in this case, of sneering disdain) back on them. Principles, not programs: those three little words, not 57-point manifestos, ought to be our mantra heading into the crucial 2012 election, and the candidate who can best make that case will defeat Barack Obama.