Why I am supporting Newt

Why I am supporting Newt

Since the announcement of my position as State Director for Newt Gingrich I have been asked one single question repeatedly; “why are you supporting Newt”?  A great question, and one that is easy to answer when you look at his record.  Listed below are all of my reasons as to why I gladly support Newt Gingrich:

  • Newt is the only candidate on the stage today that has laid out a plan to be placed in action within hours of his inauguration that will begin repairing the damage this current Administration has invoked on the American way of life.  His first stated order of business is to eliminate the 39 “Czar’s” put in place by Barack Obama, who are currently rewriting our laws with no accountability to Congress or with the American people.
  • Newt is the only candidate today with true foreign policy experience, trumping President Obama himself.  As a nation we will be leaning heavily on that experience as we move forward as a country.  It is inevitable that we are entering into an increasingly global economy and Newt has that foreign policy experience to help guide us through these trying times.  This, paired with his respect of our military and his impressive knowledge of history will prove invaluable.
  • Newt is clearly, beyond comparison, the only candidate that will intellectually and decisively beat Barack Obama in a debate.  Hands down.
  • In the four years that he was Speaker, he both authored and passed a Federal budget.  Nobody else has achieved that.  
  • Also during that time, Newt not only cut the national budget, but he also left a surplus when he left.  This country went from a $2 Trillion dollar deficit to a $2 Trillion dollar surplus.

It is because of these reasons that I support Newt Gingrich for President.  At the end of the day, Newt is the candidate we need in these economically trying times.  His record speaks for itself.  He’s done it once before, his country is calling on him once again.

Andrew Hemingway
State Director, NH
Newt 2012

Note by Skip – Although GraniteGrok as a whole has endorsed Herman Cain, each writer at GraniteGrok is free to support any candidate of their choice; Andrew has chosen to support another (I’m good with that).


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