GrokTV Event: Lakes Region TEA Party hosting Michelle Bachman - Signing "The Pledge" - Granite Grok

GrokTV Event: Lakes Region TEA Party hosting Michelle Bachman – Signing “The Pledge”

On the Conservative side of the NH political scene is Tom "The Axe Man" Thomson who is famous for his pledge on behalf of NH (and American) taxpayers.  He has traveled the length and width of NH, going to a lot of the political events, to publicize the benefits of the pledge and confronting those that will ultimately be deciding what to spend of the taxpayers’ money – or not.

And yes, Michele Bachmann signed the pledge.  Two takes on the signing – one from the camera angle of all of the rest of the event (ably manned by TMEW)….

…and another strange attempt from me and the trusty FlipCam. Apologies in order – I thought I had gotten into the right position for the signing, and it turned out that she could not have cared more where I was sitting.  So, in signing the second version, I took my monopod (FlipCam attached) and just stuck it out there (and there is no "angling" with it).  I was pleased to get what I did – except it was sideways.  With a software assist, the rotation was accomplished but a wee bit "strange" in one spot.
