While this is an "off year", the race for the Republican nomination for President is in now in second gear and ready to shift to third. Normally, one might have thought that there would have been a number of the actual candidates to show up but while there were surrogates to speak for several of the candidates, only one actually showed up.
That one person was Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), the latest illuminary to join in the chase (and not the NASCAR chase, mind you). I find him to be a thoughtful, studied person with a wicked dry sense of humor (think Steven Wright on steroids). It will take a bit to find out the ins and outs of his stances, so welcome to the gaggle here in NH!
And if you want, I assembled some of the posts we’ve done over the years here.
We also did a long audio interview with him during the picnic – we’ll update this when I have it ready.