We’ll keep an eye open for good analysis as it becomes available – Today, the Club for Growth has released their presidential whitepaper on Jon Huntsman, which join the papers for Newt, T-Paw, Cain, Romney, and Santorum, on their site.
First, CATO’s report card on Huntsman: According to their 2006 report, Huntsman received an overall grade of ‘B’, but this is misleading. He received the top score – an ‘A’ – on tax policy, but he received an abysmal ‘F’ on spending policy. For 2008, the results were similar.
And these snippets from CFG’s summary:
Governor Huntsman is often a frustrating political figure. He pushed for and passed significant pro-growth tax policies, but promoted and passed large increases in state spending. He’s demonstrated a clear understanding of the benefits of global free markets, but is lukewarm on school choice. Governor Huntsman also supported a bigger stimulus bill, TARP, and was a leading advocate of cap-and-trade.…..In addition, we find Governor Huntsman’s statement that ‘health care is a right’ to be simply flabbergasting. We’re not sure what part of the United States Constitution Governor Huntsman was referring to when he made that statement, but he certainly needs to explain what he was thinking.In the end, it is Governor Huntsman’s spending record that is inexcusable. There is now widespread recognition that the next President must address the enormous threat posed by federal spending that threatens national bankruptcy. Huntsman’s failing grades on controlling state spending raise serious questions about whether he would be equal to that task.
Now read on:
CFG is one of my favorite organizations, because they rank politicians according to fiscal conservatism, and support worthy candidates in congressional and senatorial races. Their past president, Pat Toomey is now senator from PA, and many of their candidates made it into the house and senate in 2010. When the efforts of this group are combined with Jim DeMint’s Senate Conservatives Fund, the total effect is awe inspiring, and the statists are worried. Consider joining CFG, chip in, and help to rank the congresscritters by adding your vote to their ranking system.
Check their website for more information, and look out for more presidential whitepapers soon: