Gangsta Govt:
- The FCC making its own rules, even though the Law doesn’t give it to them, the courts have said no, the Congress has said no, but the FCC continues
- The EPA changes the Law on its own (the "Tailoring Rule" for emissions), and helping to implement Cap N Trade via regulation even as Congress says no.
- The FDA tells a company that the US Govt will not do business with it unless it fires its CEO
- The Interior Dept decides to implement a moritorium on drilling in the Gulf after the courts have said "no, you do not have the authority to do so". Ditto land drilling. The EPA chimes in to help stop drilling in the Alaskan wilderness
Unaccountable Govt bureaucrats with a hard Left ideology are implementing the Progressive ideal – rule via an set of technocrats that are by the people; unelected, unaccountable, and unassailable by those they have chosen to rule over – us. The best of the Progressives morphing with the worst of Chicago politics.
With the advent of GrokTALK!, we are starting to get unsolicited books – especially from Regnery Publishing. The first book that arrived today was this:
This is Obama’s Shutdown
This is Gangster GovernmentAs we grow closer to the government shutdown, Democrats are doing their best to blame Republicans for the gridlock. Here’s the truth: President Obama CAN do something.
- Obama CAN follow the will of the people and CUT frivolous spending
- Obama CAN keep us out of bankruptcy
- Obama CAN agree to cut $12 billion and extend the shutdown deadline
“Obama WON’T help find a solution because he doesn’t want to waste this crisis. This is what gangster government looks like,” says New York Times Bestselling author David Freddoso.
Freddoso’s new book, Gangster Government, reveals all the ways Obama has brought Chicago to Washington and how he’s using the Windy City’s dirty politics to ruin America’s future.
We will have David Freddoso on GrokTALK! on May 7th (giving me time to read the book!).