Democrats, Frat Boys, And Pimps, Oh My! - Granite Grok

Democrats, Frat Boys, And Pimps, Oh My!

When did the vagina become the locus of all women’s health? It is so important to Democrats that they would shut down the government, force parks to close, and leave millions in limbo wondering how they will be affected. Even cut off pay for active military personnel just to protect a sub-particle of the entire federal budget universe for one little niche provider of “vagina related services.”

That sounds a bit extreme to me. Extreme because Planned Parenthood (PP) has admitted publicly that it does not even need the tax dollars. Obscene because there are over 20,000 Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 99,000 family and general practitioners, and hundreds of thousands of doctors, specialists, and nurse practitioners, all of whom are qualified (more qualified?) to keep the entire woman healthy, even the sex parts with which the left seems obsessed.

But hey, they are Democrats, right? So this is not really that strange a position to take.

The left-wing has invested decades arguing that women are not sex objects while teaching them to be sex objects, the side effects of which can be resolved by a major Democrat party donor–the abortion industry.

They are also the ones who told us that Obamacare would cover all our health needs, especially those most likely to use PP’s “women’s health services,” (except for mammograms which Obamacare’s coverage delays at great risk to women’s health). But now they insist that we cannot take a few million tax dollars away from a multi-billion dollar, international business that does not need it, for fear that women’s health will be forever compromised?

So, the Democrat view of women’s health differs little from that of a drunken frat boy. Or even a sober frat boy. And that’s an apt comparison because Planned Parenthood is the number one provider of abortions, which have nothing to do with women’s health unless there is a medical complication. To a Democrat, and a frat boy, however, pregnancy is a medical complication; the internal possession of life is a crime against the social life for which Planned Parenthood is, apparently, the only cure.

Lord knows you can’t get birth control or condoms or screenings from anywhere on the planet but Planned Parenthood, right? I mean really. Oh, wait. You can, just not at taxpayer expense. And premarital sex is in the constitution. Sex in general actually, you know, that whole domestic tranquility thing? Viagra for inmates and public union hacks oh, my.

And the Democrats were prepared to shut it all down to defend one big, international rent seeker. To pigeonhole women’s health issues to sex parts and intercourse. And to defend a major campaign contributor (the abortion industry) at all costs. Using women’s vaginas for cash? Doesn’t that make them a bunch of pimps?
