NH GOP Annual Meeting – text of Phyllis Woods’s address.


I need to amplify what Tom said here before you read Phyllis’s words:

Ever-sympathetic to the grassroots, Woods was the ONLY speaker (aside from Jack Kimball), who praised the work of the activists and the "Tea Party", who helped make the successes of 2010 a possibility.  As time goes on, I find more and more reasons to appreciate Phyllis’ contributions.

Indeed on both counts.  She has been a tireless worker for Conservatism and hasn’t always received the thanks she has earned.  I also agree much of the self-aggrandizement said about the Republican victories on Nov 2 was totally unearned – the absence of the reality that Republicans were the beneficiaries of the TEA Party movement and the groups that worked hard to put Republicans into elected seats NOT because they were Republicans but because they weren’t Democrats.  I note with no small amount of irony that it was the Strafford County Committee, consisting of many Rochester 9/12ers, put the virtual smackdown on the person who should have been singing their praises (and I’m not talking about Ms. Bergeron).


Gosh, Phyllis is gonna kill me…

Guest post by Phyllis Woods, RNC Committeewoman from NH, at the NH GOP Annual Meeting:

The RNC is under new management!  The members of the Republican National Committee met in DC last week to elect a new Chairman. Reince Priebus is a young, dynamic, tireless fundraiser and proven leader. He’s already making changes and changing faces. He began work immediately on his plan to restore our donor’s faith in the RNC. He’s not a rock star – but he’s a rock-solid conservative. And today, as we mark the 38th anniversary of Roe v Wade, it’s notable that our new Chairman describes himself as a 100%, Psalm 139, pro-life Republican!

Congratulations on becoming a member of one of the largest Republican State Committees in the country! Ronald Reagan once said, “A political party is a mechanical structure created to further a cause. The cause, not the mechanism, brings and holds the members together.”  We stand united today because our cause is the very salvation of our Republic.

With our basic freedoms at risk, the stakes are high. We must elect a Republican president in 2012.  America can’t continue to slip toward becoming the land of the “partially free.” We took back our state last year; we’ll take back our country next year!

Our state will play a key role in this effort. The eyes of the country will be focused on our First In The Nation primary. We have a responsibility to…

…be fully engaged in the process of launching the very best candidate out of New Hampshire

Our next RNC convention will be held in Tampa Bay, Fl. As Chairman Priebus said, “We are committed to holding a world-class 2012 Republican National Convention worthy of the next President of the United States.”

It’s been an exciting year working with you. Over the last 12 months I’ve traveled the state to attend numerous meetings, events and fundraisers in support of our committees and candidates. Besides serving on the E-Board and Platform Committee, I worked on candidate recruitment and training, campaign schools, and hosted the first NH Women’s Summit. I assisted local committees and acted as liaison to 912 and grassroots groups. You’ve all been a part of our success!

As your National Committeewoman, during the last year I traveled to Honolulu, Kansas City, Maryland and Washington DC. I’m on the RNC’s Rules Committee and Ethics Committee. I continue to fight to defend our primary. Ironically today, Arizona is considering violating the rules and moving their primary ahead; but rest assured, nothing will stop NH from being first!

Thank you for the honor of serving you and for the privilege of representing our state. 


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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