I had put this out on Facebook a bit ago:
Anyone else notice that the Letters to the Editor in your local papers are from Libs saying "NH Republican Legislators should not touch <name an issue the Dems passed latelly> because THAT has already been settled.
Parental Notification, Gay Marriage – why was it fine for them to change the law for them, but not for Conservatives to ch…ange the law for us?
Where’s the equality (heh!) in that???
Well, somewhere down the line, this conversation happened (slight editing to make it more bloggish):
As Alexis de Tocqueville said, a popular vote is the "tyranny of the majority." The intellectual case for a minority expanding freedoms further goes to John Stuart Mill and James Madison in the Federalist Papers. I’m glad we live in a constitutional republic and not a democracy. The constitution guarantees freedom for all against the will of the majority. Let’s not ignore it like most politicians do.
But what happens when the minority view is actually holding the majority as the legislative body? Is it not then, a tyranny of the minority?
I make the claim that the Dems, even being the majority in the NH House and Senate before this past Nov 2, were actually of the minority! Why
As pointed out earlier, no State with a general electorate vote has EVER voted for Gay Marriage
The tossing of that minority view, the Dems, out of office on Nov. 2.
I would think the above takes care of your tyranny of the majority. After all, it seems that the majority did not think much of the way its "representation" was representing, eh?
Never let a good FB thread go to waste….or was that chocolate cookies go to waist?