I am a fan of MythBusters. The combo of the over-the-top Adam Savage and the unflappable former SEAL Jamie Hyneman just works – the ADHD / Brainiac duopoly and their slapdash to meticulous style just works for me. What Rush and Beck do for politics, these two do for urban myths and science – make it fun and interesting.
This, however, is neither interesting or amusing. How do all these highly trained, highly qualified specialists miss 12" blades?
Oh yeah, this. We’re now seeing the pushback by the Government and the MSM to the outrage being experienced by the flying public; they are trying to say that much is being made of "not much".
Well, I saw one estimate that 34 million people were expected to fly today. Let’s keep in line with "not much"; say that a miniscule 3% of them get the "Enhanced Groping", shall we? Quick math says that just a smidge over 1,000,000 had that really special "intimate" time with our Government representatives. How many of them felt "I’m doing my patriotic duty – or have my Rights been ripped from me for the sake of safety (remember what old Ben said: liberty or security).
Kabuki theater. We won’t learn until this massive system fails and FINALLY someone wakes up and kick Political Correctness where our Government’s hands now go.
Oh yeah, change your gloves…