As the 2010 campaign season ends…

by Skip

We are now in the tail end of the campaign season – clean up and tidying of the campaign houses.  For the winners, plans for the next few months and what should be tackled first and for the not-quite-winners, it’s a time of consideration of things that might have been and what maybe / should be happening for them in the future.

In both cases, sometimes the questions is "er, we spent a lot, didn’t we?".  Sometimes, the till is still not quite empty and sometimes, a hole has been discovered – and the situation is both on the Right and the Left, winners and losers.

This past Wednesday, the friends of Jack Kimball had an event to help retire some of his debt from his campaign, and there were a number of notables there to speak on his behalf.  Master of Ceremonies was conservative radio talk show host Jeff Chidester; the following  are some of the speakers in order!

That said, the first notable was the tribute Jeff offered was to all spouses who allowed their "other halfs" make runs for office, knowing that family life will be almost non-existent for months on end – in this case, Jack’s wife, Donna Marie!

Inside joke- start counting!

After the jump: other speakers were Bill Binnie, John Stephen, Bill O’Brien, Jennifer Horn, and of course, the guy NOBODY wishes to follow after he has spoken, Jack himself.

Bill Binnie:

John Stephen:

Jennifer Horn:

Bill O’Brien:

Oh, remember (from above) this?

it’s a time of consideration of things that might have been and what maybe / should be happening for them in the future.

Well, I don’t think Jack is going "quietly into that good night"…methinks his plan is to be around for a while…welcome to the Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC:

Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC

As a Father, Grandfather, Businessman, Veteran and prior gubernatorial candidate in New Hampshire, I have witnessed, first hand, the continued erosion of our collective liberties and freedom.   This has been an ongoing process for the last several decades and both parties, Republican and Democrat, have contributed to this erosion.   However, it is only since the election of Barak Obama, and the rapid  pace of the progress of his socialist agenda, that Americans are  finally taking notice and fighting back.  In only 20 months we have witnessed the government takeover of almost 70% of our country’s economy.  We have also witnessed a major deterioration of America’s image around the world.  Clearly, Ronald Reagans image of the shiny city on the hill is quite tarnished right now, but the good news is that we are the landlords of that city.  We own it and everything that goes on in it and we are not happy with the present occupants.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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