A bleg for GraniteGrok friend, Vicki Schwaegler who runs TBONH, decided to run for the NH House this past election cycle. Yet another citizen politician who, upon seeing the NH Advantage slipping away under the Progressive avalanche the past few years, decided to step up and do something about it.

Well, she won! Well, she came in second and took the second spot. Good news, right? So, I asked her about her voting for Speaker:
Not sure yet. First, I have to survive a recount this Friday….
Huh? But you came in second – got the spot! What’s going on?
We have 2 Reps in our district. The votes came in 1287 for the dem, 1285 for me and then 1283 for my running mate. The other dem came in about 100 short. My running mate requested the recount…Ultimately, we would like 2 Republican reps for our district, but then I would have to leapfrog the dem and my running mate would have to leapfrog me. If I don’t then I am out.
Two Repubs would be great – but if it has to be only 1 Repub, I’m betting that the Party doesn’t care which – but I do! Vicki’s taken a lot of grief from the Dems for going after the college kid, Vanessa Sievers, for the poor job she was doing as Grafton County Treasurer; it’s time for a few Repubs to stand up for her (and Blue Hampshire as well). All that the NH GOP has done, to my knowledge, was to advise Vicki of a recount:
A recount has been requested in your District. It has been scheduled for Friday, November 12th at 2pm in the Legislative Office Building Room 302. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I contacted my friend, Kevin, of the NHRVC who kindly put out the word:
There’s a good conservative named Vicki Schwaegler, who ran for State Rep last Tuesday to represent the towns of Campton, Ellsworth, Orford, Rumney, & Wentworth. It was an extremely close race so a recount has been scheduled for this Friday (Nov 12th) at 2pm in the Legislative Office Building Room 302.
This was her first time running, and she doesn’t have any experience with recounts, so she’ll need all the help she can get. If you can help, feel free to email Vicki at vickiodescalchi@aol.com or Katie at katie@nhgop.org .
Also, please forward this info along to anyone you know who might be able to help out with this effort.
I ask as well – if you can, help her out!