The Most Extreme – the stances


A "bleg" if I might – Please, all of you "poseurs" (heh!, for *I* am more extreme than any of you BY FAR!)  for the crown to be bestowed Madams Wellner and Smith, send the ‘Grok WHY you should be considered.

Again, while I appreciate your lame attempts to steal such honor from me, I am willing to listen to your pleadings; with that said:


Email us at !!

What is your stance, your issue, your response, or your supposition for which the Democrats are ignoring you?

We’ll start that list right here!  For instance, just from Ed, myself, and Andrew Manuse:

  • I do not believe that government should force anyone, either directly through an “individual mandate” or indirectly through coverage mandates, to purchase any type of health insurance coverage that he or she does not want to purchase.
  • I do not believe that it is the role of judges to invent new constitutional rights or to ignore existing constitutional rights in order to achieve “social justice” or a “living constitution,” or any other of the lovely euphemisms you ”progressives” use to attempt to legitimize  judicial activism.  
  • I do not believe that the people of New Hampshire are under-taxed.  I believe you and your collectivist cronies in Concord have proven yourselves thoroughly incapable of exercising even a modicum of fiscal responsibility.
  • I thought Clarence Thomas’ concurrence in the McDonald case was thoughtful and well-written. 
  • And being one of the co-founding members of the NH TEA Party Coalition
  • I actually read and accept, on face value, the Constitution and the Founders First Principle philosophy that my Rights come from our Creator and not from mere politicians
  • Audit our state departments so we know where they’re spending money and cut out all the excessive, redundant and unconstitutional spending that we find.
  • Implement zero-based budgeting to force department heads to start from scratch with their budgets and justify every expense.
  • NEVER spend more than we have.
  • Change the state pension system so it is fully contributory and more like a 401(k), and cut state worker salaries so they are more in line with their private-sector counterparts.
  • Reduce the number of state employees so New Hampshire’s number of state employees is below the national per capita average, not above it like it is now.
  • Eliminate public sector unions, since they simply create a thugocracy that only serves the government, leaving the people struggling to keep up with their way of life (they also give the people a disadvantage at the seat of government).
  • Opt-out of Obamacare and get rid of government mandates on health insurance in New Hampshire, so people can have affordable access to quality health care again.
  • Open our health care markets to the nation and allow other insurance companies from out-of-state to sell their products here.
  • Get the state out of the education business all together and let parents and local communities set the agenda for their children’s education.
  • Get the state out of the child-snatching business and acknowledge that children are almost always better off with their parents.
  • Secure the idea that parents are innocent of any wrongdoing until proven guilty in a court of law.
  • Acknowledge that everyone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
  • Recognize individuals’ right to own and bear all types of rifles, shotguns, pistols and revolvers in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state, and secure their ability to exercise their right to self defense without punishment of law.
  • Honor and respect the constitution of the state of New Hampshire as the Supreme Law of the Land, which limits state government and sets up true government authority under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • Punish every government official who violates the inalienable rights of the people in the same way that a citizen would be punished for doing the same thing.
  • Make sure the government is accountable by securing citizens’ U.S. First Amendment right to record everything the government is doing all the time by any manner the citizens see fit.

SEND ME YOUR REASONS!  I’m quite sure that the NH Democrat Party will see them all (heh!, remember, the ‘Grok has trackers!).


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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