There’s an Ad running that points out some facts. Carol Seiu-Porter voted for Obamacare. It will make costs rise. You will lose coverage. No body wanted it. It will affect seniors.
These are indisputable facts. Companies have to drop coverage because ObamaCare makes it too expensive. Insurers are dropping kids and doctors are running away from medicaid. People with pre existing conditions can get coverage–they just can’t afford the premiums now. Medicare advantage is dead and seniors will be affected.
The only thing the ad didn’t point out is that this is all intentional to force the nation into a government run single payer plan. That is also true.
So this destruction is on purpose, and Carol favors it.
Despite that her campaign has come out and said…
This is a classic example of an extreme outside organization trying to mislead New Hampshire voters," Shea-Porter spokeswoman Jamie Radice said in a statement.
-As reported by Karen Langely at the Concord Monitor
This group, Revere America, is run by former NY Gov. Geroge Pataki. He’s a centrist Republican at best. Which is instructive. If Seiu-Porter thinks a moderate is an extremist, it puts into perspective just how much a socialist she actually is. Which begs one more question.
How did a state with the motto Live Free or Die elect a congressman whose motto is "Hail Pelosi!"
The Ad is on the jump.